Pragmatic steps adopted to promote entrepreneurship

Updated: Apr 21,2016 6:10 PM     english.gov.cn

Building a batch of high-level demonstration bases is a more pragmatic and deeper strategy in promoting mass innovation and entrepreneurship, which indicates the direction of tasks in the next step, experts said.

What to do next to develop mass innovation and entrepreneurship? The executive meeting presided over by Premier Li Keqiang on April 20 provided the answer — build a batch of high-level and specialized demonstration bases and construct complete service chains.

Li Jiahua, a professor at the China Youth University of Political Science, said that the policy demonstrates the nation’s resolution to promote innovation and entrepreneurship, in a manner converted from general mobilization to key areas of exploration.

“It indicates that the government has noticed the phase of innovation and entrepreneurship changed in China, which now focuses on services and enhancement,” said Li Jin, director of the China Enterprise Research Institute.

“It becomes more practical,” said Yang Yanru, head of the startup service sector of the Zhongguancun Administrative Committee, who felt the changes in Zhongguancun, where the mutually promoted ecosystems for entrepreneurship have been formed one after another since the integration of elements such as talent, capital and markets.

“As for the big enterprises called upon to build demonstration bases, they are able to provide more open platforms to help entrepreneurs acquire resources and access to markets, owing to their advantages in professionalism and capital,” said Yang.

“Supporting shared economic platforms means that the government is encouraging the entire society to start businesses by utilizing existing accessible capital and services,” said Wang Jicheng, a researcher at the Development Research Center of the State Council, adding that the government should give a push to Taobao, Didi and other business incubators.

“Local governments, entrepreneurs, and research institutions should seize the opportunity as they will be given strong personnel, material and financial support and encouragement from the central government,” Li Jiahua added.

“The government also shows its capacity for innovation when responding to the money problem faced by the entrepreneurs,” Li Jin said.

“It is worth noting that governments are expected to provide policy support to entrepreneurships, not control them, thus a sound environment for entrepreneurship can be formed,” said Yang.
