State Council maps out plan to boost tech innovation in Shanghai

Updated: Apr 15,2016 9:29 PM     english.gov.cn

As part of the efforts to implement the nation’s innovation-driven development strategies and to turn Shanghai into a global innovation center, the State Council on April 15 issued a circular to promote comprehensive innovation reforms in Shanghai.

A long-term system will be put in place within three years to implement innovation reforms and major achievements will be undertaken in technological and financial innovation, introduction of talent, transfer of technological achievements, and intellectual property rights.

To enhance technological innovation, expenditure on research and development will be raised to more than 3.7 percent of Shanghai’s GDP.

Industrial structure will be further optimized and added-value of strategic emerging industries will account for about 18 percent of the city’s GDP.

By 2020, the two figures will rise to 3.8 percent and 20 percent respectively.

In addition, the Zhangjiang national innovation demonstration zone will be developed into an internationally advanced science and technology park.

The city will also strive to build a scientific research center by introducing a large number of high-tech equipment such as super strong and ultra-short laser devices and underwater long-term observation network.

Besides the construction of high-tech research facilities, the document also said Shanghai should take measures to attract top laboratories, research institutions, universities and multinational companies from home and abroad.

Innovation platforms for information technology, life science and high-end equipment should be built to support the development of strategic emerging industries.

And local governments should make full use of local first-rate universities to promote the transfer of scientific findings from research institutions and universities.

To implement the three-year action plan for mass entrepreneurship and innovation, Shanghai will create a batch of pilot areas in Zhangjiang, improve innovation services, encourage the building of low-cost, convenient and open service platforms to provide service for the public and small- and medium-sized enterprises.

The government should reduce the administrative interference in innovative activities conducted by enterprises, lower the market access requirements for Internet Plus-related industries and improve the supervision of industries that are combined with the Internet such as finance, medical care and education.
