Demonstration bases to boost innovation, entrepreneurship

Updated: Apr 21,2016 11:01 AM     english.gov.cn

The State Council decided to build a batch of special demonstration bases to promote mass entrepreneurship and innovation, following its resolution in February of building innovation bases, according to the executive meeting on April 20, presided over by Premier Li Keqiang.

The main task for the demonstration bases is to explore successes that can be duplicated and promoted to develop the new economy and create more new technologies, new industries and new types of business, Premier Li said.

The Premier stressed that building demonstration bases needs not only to release innovation of the market and society but also to put forceful government policies into practice.

He said that the trial equity incentive policies put forward by the State Council allow high-tech enterprises registered at Zhongguancun to give their technology staffers equity and stock option incentives.

The Premier said the development of high-tech enterprises needs to attract talent, and one important means is to practice stock option incentives.

Meanwhile, those policies should contain less restrictions and focus on real public concerns to ensure an extensive construction of demonstration bases, the Premier added.

Apart from universities, scientific research institutions and enterprises, the construction of demonstration bases also needs the contribution of Internet enterprises, the Premier said at the meeting.

“We have entered the Internet era,” said the Premier. “If we do not keep up with the current trend, we will get left behind forever.”

The promotion of mass entrepreneurship and innovation should rely on technologies, such as the Internet of Things, Big Data and cloud computing, and take full advantage of Internet enterprises.

According to the meeting, the first batch of demonstration bases will be chosen in some regions of cities and provinces, as well as universities, scientific research institutions, enterprises with good performance and Internet enterprises.

The meeting also said the demonstration bases should focus on streamlining administration and delegating power to lower levels, creating a fair and competitive environment and developing the sharing economy.

The Premier stressed that the bases should give priority to business system reform and separating business licenses from administrative permits and introduce tough measures on intellectual property protection.

Mass entrepreneurship and innovation is crucial to promote development and expand employment, said the Premier, calling for its wider, higher and deeper development through the construction of demonstration bases.
