Premier Li hears advice from experts and entrepreneurs

Updated: Nov 8,2018 9:47 PM     english.gov.cn

Premier Li Keqiang held a symposium on Nov 8, inviting economic experts and entrepreneurs to discuss the current economic situation and plans for next year.

Vice-Premier Han Zheng also attended the symposium.

Attendees shared their opinions on macro-economic policies, development of private enterprises, technological innovation and the job market.

Premier Li, also joining the discussion, encouraged the experts and entrepreneurs to offer suggestions on solutions to current obstructive issues for healthy and stable economic development.

This year, remarkable efforts have been made, especially in the newly added employment in urban areas, which has reached the goal for a whole year in advance, the Premier said. However, complex changes at home and abroad have brought downward pressure, adding difficulties to the real economy, and broadening the gap between regions and industries.

These conflicts cannot be underestimated, the Premier said. Full preparation and plans should be made in advance for next year, giving consideration to the Chinese economy’s tenacity and potential. New growth drivers should be cultivated to lead the economy to high-quality development.

Progress should be made while maintaining stability, with the new concept of development. China should also keep an eye on the situational changes at home and abroad, while maintaining the consistency and stability of macro policies, he said.

The supply-side structural reform and economic upgrades, and tax and fee cuts should be carried out with more efforts. Effective measures should be taken to ease financing difficulties for small and micro enterprises.

Employment should be made the priority in macro policies, with more support given to key groups, Premier Li said.

A good business environment is vital for development, so the government should give considerate help for private companies as well as small and micro enterprises.

Consistent efforts should also be made in administrative reform, lowering market thresholds for private companies and safeguarding fair competition. More employment should be created with the initiative of mass entrepreneurship and innovation. And enterprises should be inspired by market needs to tackle technological difficulties and to increase competitiveness.

The same endeavors should go to opening-up, giving equal treatment to State-owned, private and foreign enterprises, to better protect their interests.

Vice-Premiers Sun Chunlan and Hu Chunhua, and State Councilors Wang Yong and Xiao Jie were also in attendance.
