Premier: Strive for high-level opening-up, high-quality growth

Updated: Nov 6,2018 11:39 PM     english.gov.cn/Xinhua

Premier Li Keqiang held a roundtable meeting in Beijing on Nov 6 with the leaders of six major international economic and financial institutions.

The six leaders were: World Bank President Jim Yong Kim, International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde, World Trade Organization Director-General Roberto Azevedo, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Secretary-General Angel Gurria, Financial Stability Board Chairman Mark Carney, and International Labor Organization Deputy Director-General Deborah Greenfield.

With the topic of promoting win-win results between China and the world in an open economy, Premier Li and the other leaders had in-depth exchanges on China’s economy and opening-up.

Premier Li said China’s reform and opening-up in the past 40 years marked a great journey for the nation and the world. China’s development has not only benefited China, but also contributed to world peace and development.

As President Xi Jinping said at the China International Import Expo, China will not close its door to the world, but will only become more and more open.

China’s economy is operating steadily within a reasonable range, and has great potential for development, Premier Li said.

Although the country’s economy may see some fluctuations in the near future, it is under control, he said, adding that the economic fundamentals are sound, as China is a big market and has the world’s most abundant human resources.

“We have a workforce of 800 million to 900 million, with 170 million possessing higher education or technical skills,” Premier Li said.

He said China has implemented a prudent monetary policy and proactive fiscal policy in recent years, strongly promoted streamlining administrative procedures, cut taxes and fees, and actively developed new drivers of growth, and will continue to do so in the future.

According to the World Bank Group in its annual doing business report released on Oct 31, China advanced to a global ranking of 46 for ease of doing business, up from 78 last year.

China will continue to optimize the business environment and ease market access, Premier Li said.

He added that China’s business entities have exceeded 100 million, with 18,000 new enterprises registered daily, driving the growth of employment, “which is the basic motivation for our development, and China still has huge development potential in the future.”

State Councilor and Secretary-General of the State Council Xiao Jie also attended the meeting.
