Premier Li solicits opinions on government work report

Updated: Feb 1,2018 9:33 PM     english.gov.cn

Premier Li Keqiang heard advice from representatives from all walks of life regarding the draft of government work report at a symposium on Jan 31.

The nine representatives, from education, technology, culture, health and sports circles as well as the grassroots, voiced their opinions toward the new changes in their own trades.

Premier Li made in-depth exchanges with these guests and extended his blessings for Spring Festival. He said the government is open to public opinions in order to better resolve the issues that most concern the people.

Dou Xiankang, president of Wuhan University, suggested the government pay great attention to the role of talent in building an innovation-driven nation, and increase support for building high-level universities in central and western regions.

Shi Yigong, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and dean of the Westlake Institute for Advanced Study, proposed that governments should give support to the development of high-quality private higher education.

“High-quality economic growth needs a lot of talent, so governments of all levels should pursue balanced development of education, creating a fair environment to offer more autonomy to schools for developing private education,” Premier Li responded.

Fan Jinshi, honorary president of the Dunhuang Academy, suggested that the government strengthen protection and utilization of cultural heritage to improve the international influence of Chinese traditional culture. Huang Bo, a famous actor, hoped for more government guidance and support for the film and television industry. To their suggestions, Premier Li said technologies will be used to better protect traditional cultural heritage, especially those listed as world heritage. And he called for producing more cultural products with high aesthetics and quality that meet the needs of the times.

In response to Liu Xiaocheng, a well-known cardiovascular surgery expert’s suggestion on deepening medical reform, and Lang Ping, head coach of China’s national women’s volleyball team’s suggestion on building more public sport facilities, the Premier said the government will make efforts to break institutional barriers, mobilize social forces, increase service supply to improve people’s life quality and lay a solid foundation for building a healthy China.

On rural revitalization, Premier Li asked local governments and related departments to enhance support for fostering new types of agricultural business entities.

Li Pengxuan, who is engaged in the express delivery service in Shanxi province and submitted his suggestion through “Share your thoughts with China’s Premier Li” on the official website of the State Council, said he hopes the government will promote cooperation between the insurance sector and the express delivery industry. Premier Li said the government encourages and supports the development of new industries and business modes such as express delivery, and has adopted measures to lower logistical costs. He asked government departments to follow the people-centered development concept, listen to people’s voices and constantly improve their work.

Vice-Premiers Zhang Gaoli and Wang Yang also attended the symposium.
