Premier: Government Work Report should stand for social consensus

Updated: Jan 26,2018 9:05 PM     english.gov.cn

“The government, whether in its policymaking or implementation, must stand for social consensus and try its best to enhance reasonableness and democracy in its policies,” Premier Li Keqiang said Jan 24 at a symposium.

The symposium was held to solicit advice from leaders of democratic parties and the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, as well as those without party affiliation.

He acknowledged that the symposium is a significant practice of socialist deliberative democracy and a step for the State Council to be subject to democratic supervision.

After the guests gave their opinions and advice, the Premier said, “Your advice is very important. It can represent, to a great extent, social consensus and the people’s will. The Government Work Report should include your feedback as much as possible.”

He also appreciated the support and help from the three groups. “Over the past five years, you have conducted research on some major issues concerning socioeconomic development and made many insightful suggestions. I and other members of the State Council have read them all and forwarded them to relevant departments.”

Noting that this year marks the 40th anniversary of China’s reform and opening-up policy, Premier Li said that making new accomplishments would be one of the best ways to honor the basic State policy.

The Premier urged that more efforts should be made to promote high-quality development and establish a modern economic system. Practical measures should be taken to deepen reform and opening-up, enhance creativity and competitiveness, and ensure better lives and well-being for the people.

He stressed that the Government Work Report should ensure that it reflects the best common desires of the people.

Premier Li encouraged the three groups to continue playing an active role in political consultation and democratic oversight, to give their consistent support and help the government meet the social development and economic growth targets.
