Premier stresses proper relocation arrangements in poverty relief

Updated: Sep 17,2017 9:15 PM     english.gov.cn/Xinhua

Premier Li Keqiang stressed proper arrangements in relocating people from poverty-stricken regions to more developed areas as a means of poverty relief, in an instruction to a national conference focused on poverty reduction through relocation, which was held Sept 16-17 in Southwest China’s Sichuan province.

Poverty-relief relocation plays a key role in promoting the country’s supply-side structural reform and facilitating the development of poverty-stricken areas, he said in the instruction, while lauding efforts made by related departments in building new houses, relocating residents and creating job opportunities.

He encouraged local authorities to take more measures to benefit the people, by coping with difficulties they might encounter in their business or employment after being relocated into new living areas.

Vice-Premier Wang Yang, who also is the leader of the State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development, attended the conference.

He emphasized the importance of a full implementation of Premier Li’s instruction in guaranteeing efficient relocation and poverty relief work.

Speaking highly of the positive progress made in terms of poverty alleviation, the vice-premier warned of the prevention of correlated problems.

Wang said any impoverished households in line with the required conditions should be included in the relocation plan. A series of follow up anti-poverty measures, addressing issues such as employment and social insurance, will be adopted individually.

“Subsidies supplied to impoverished households on file and those on the relocation list should be controlled within a reasonable range,” he said, while stressing the quality of new housing units for relocated households.

In addition, Wang called for an overall evaluation and inspection during the relocation process to ensure a successful implementation of such efforts.
