Premier concerned about poverty alleviation

Updated: Jul 11,2017 12:04 AM     english.gov.cn

On July 10, Premier Li Keqiang arrived at a village in Shaanxi province to meet villagers who are due to be relocated to better homes.

After a one-hour ride on a bumpy road, he met two families, inquiring about their income and insurance conditions, before sitting in a courtyard to chat with other villagers.

As the village is scheduled for relocation, villagers said they are looking forward to moving into their new houses. In response, Premier Li said he hopes this will improve the quality of their lives.

During his talk with the villagers, the Premier got a detailed understanding of the relocated plans and subsidy policy.

Premier Li said local governments should make long-term plans on poverty-relief relocation, considering both villagers’ settlement and employment and the innovative development of original village.

A sustainable plan should be accurately considered, he added.
