Premier promotes upgrading ‘Made in China’ industrial chain

Updated: Aug 26,2016 2:18 PM     english.gov.cn

Just after his inspection tour to Jiangxi province, Premier Li Keqiang returned to Beijing on Aug 24 and chaired the State Council executive meeting.

The theme of the meeting was improving the standards and quality of consumer goods, increase the effective supply of Made in China and meet the demands of consumption upgrading. Premier Li listed three cases from his Jiangxi inspection. “Standards and quality of consumer goods should be improved to push the upgrading of ‘Made in China’ industrial chain,” said the Premier.

The first case Premier Li mentioned was Lattice Power Co., a leading Chinese manufacturer of LED chips in Nanchang, capital of Jiangxi.

“We used to be OEM (original equipment manufacturer) for foreign brands more often. Now we need to strengthen brand awareness,” Premier Li said at the meeting. “This cannot only improve enterprises’ competitive power, but also push them to improve quality.”

The Premier said that government work should focus on two aspects: helping enterprises build up brand popularity and good reputation, and setting compulsory national standards and enhancing quality supervision.

“Nowadays people like customized products, therefore we cannot standardize all products. That’s why the government should focus on supervision,” Premier Li said. “Supervision system must be innovated, and random inspections should be carried out. Repetitive work should be avoided, and fee collections be regulated.”

The second case Premier Li cited was a designers’ creative industrial park of Zhong Hang Chang Jiang Construction Engineering Company in Nanchang.

“To improve the standards and quality of consumer goods, we need high-quality skilled talent. We should enhance vocational education and skills training, establish a talent cultivation mechanism with schools and companies working together,” Premier Li said.

The third case cited by Premier Li was his first stop during the inspection, Funeng, a technology company in Ganzhou.

At the meeting, the Premier stressed that improvement of standards and quality of industrial products and consumer goods should be closely connected with equipment upgrading.

“Our old mode was to manufacture based on current equipment; this should be changed,” Premier Li said. He concluded the meeting by demanding system innovation, using the market and combining the power of ministries to improve the standards and quality of consumer goods.
