China to improve consumer goods industry

Updated: May 30,2016 8:42 PM     english.gov.cn

Efforts will be made to improve China’s consumer goods industry by increasing varieties of consumer goods, improving quality and creating famous brands, according to a circular issued by the State Council on May 30.

As part of the effort to implement supply-side structural reform and improve the manufacturing industry, the move is set to create a better business environment and increase consumer goods supply capacity, realizing a more stable, efficient and sustainable development of the consumer goods industry.

The target is to consolidate the traditional consumer goods industry and cultivate emerging industries with an optimized market environment, enhanced supply and innovation capacity and improved quality and efficiency by 2020.

Increasing varieties of consumer goods

Local governments and industry associations are encouraged to develop cities and industrial parks featuring the creative design of consumer goods. In addition, a group of state-level industrial design centers for the consumer goods industry will be set up.

One of the primary tasks is to increase the supply of medium-to-high-end consumer goods. Consumer goods with high quality and added-value will be developed to consolidate the Chinese consumer goods industry’s position in the global industry value chain.

Efforts will be made to develop smart and healthy consumer goods as well as those featuring traditional and ethnic culture.

Improving the quality of consumer goods

To increase the quality of consumer goods, over 95 percent of the standards of main domestic consumer goods sectors will be integrated with international standards by 2018, according to the State Council.

An advanced quality management mode and system will be promoted and high-level laboratories concerning consumer goods quality management will be established.

Development of third-party, quality testing and certification services will be accelerated with the aim of establishing a quality tracking system.

In addition, efforts will be made to guarantee a high-quality, raw materials supply for manufacturing medicine.

Creating famous brands

To enhance competitiveness, enterprises are encouraged to create brand development strategies in terms of R&D innovation, design creation, manufacturing, quality management and marketing services and to integrate with e-commerce platforms.

Brand review procedures and standards will be regulated and industry associations will give support to enterprises in brand establishment, cultivation and promotion.

To improve the brand service system, a group of consumer goods brand design innovation centers and advertisement service institutions will be cultivated. Service institutions to train talent will be established.

Furthermore, enterprises with leverage are encouraged to carry out international cooperation, learn from international experiences in brand management and set up overseas research and design institutions, as well as marketing channels.

Supportive measures, such as market access, business environment, market regulation, and industry polices, will be improved and created to enhance the overall improvement of the consumer goods industry, according to the State Council.
