Premier Li urges efforts to boost sci-tech innovation

Updated: Aug 17,2016 7:30 AM     english.gov.cn

Premier Li Keqiang has mentioned “scientific and technological innovation” this year on many occasions, including at State Council executive meetings, in inspections, speeches and instructions, and urged more efforts to promote innovation-driven development.

“The Chinese government is vigorously promoting innovation-driven development, including technological and institutional innovation, to offer more space for mass innovation.”

-- At opening ceremony of Summer Davos Forum on June 27

“We are promoting mass entrepreneurship and innovation, striving to exert the potential of all people,” said the Premier at the opening ceremony of Summer Davos Forum.

“Vibrant technology management and operation mechanisms should be put in place to ensure effective implementation of related policies.”

-- Chairing a State Council executive meeting on June 1

The State Council executive meeting on June 1 decided to improve the management of central financial funds for scientific research projects to further stimulate the enthusiasm of scientific researchers.

“We cannot build first-class research institutions and universities, and make outstanding technological achievements by relying on government regulation.”

-- Addressing the National Conference on Science and Technology on May 30

At the National Conference on Science and Technology on May 30, Premier Li said that technological innovation should be stimulated by system and mechanism reforms. He demanded efforts to streamline administration and optimize services in science and technology. And more autonomy should be given to research institutions and universities in terms of employment, scientific achievement and salary allocation in order to allow scientific personnel more freedom to do research.

“Stock option incentive is an important way to attract talent for high-tech enterprises.”

-- Chairing a State Council executive meeting on April 20

The State Council decided at an executive meeting on April 20 to build a group of pilot bases of mass innovation and entrepreneurship.

“We should lift strict controls on HR spending in research funds.”

-- During a visit to Peking University on April 15

During a visit to the School of Mathematical Sciences at Peking University, Premier Li said that we should learn from developed countries on basic scientific research, and lift strict controls on human resources spending in research funds to draw first-class brains.

“Higher education should serve innovative development, promote mass innovation and entrepreneurship, and train creative talent.”

-- At a meeting on innovative management of higher education institutions on April 15

At a meeting on higher education reform on April 15, Premier Li said enlightening, discussion-based and research-oriented instructions should be carried out to inspire students’ imagination and expand their views.

“How can we make innovative reform with worldwide influence if education organs and research institutes under ministries cannot be well coordinated?”

-- Chairing a State Council executive meeting on March 30

On March 30, the State Council decided to set up another group of demonstration areas for independent innovation, and accelerate efforts to build Shanghai into a scientific and innovation center. “Related departments should figure out ways to involve key universities and research institutes in local innovative reform? Decentralization is the key to unlocking the strength of those organizations,” Premier Li said at the meeting.
