Premier highlights mass entrepreneurship and innovation during inspections

Updated: Jul 11,2016 7:14 AM     english.gov.cn

Premier Li Keqiang visits the Jingrong makers town in Chengdu, capital city of Southwest China’s Sichuan province on April 25, 2016 where he was invited to play badminton with a robot designed by one of the town’s start-up teams.

While there, Premier Li praised the idea of a “makers town” in Chengdu city, saying it is an innovative way to transform empty workers’ dormitories into start-up venues.” It is just like a new economy coming to the market in the form of traditional industries,” he said.

Mass entrepreneurship and innovation were the top priorities of the Premier’s inspections in the first half of the year. He stressed institutional innovation when visiting Wuhan Donghu New Technological Development Zone in Hubei province on May 23. The Premier urged a relaxed development environment and strong financial support for mass entrepreneurship and innovation when visiting the Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation and China Construction Bank.

Premier Li Keqiang visits the Boao Lecheng International Medical Tourism Pilot Zone on March 25, 2016 in South China’s Hainan province, and had a cordial conversation with Chinese and foreign medical experts.

This is the first medical tourism center approved by the State Council that is committed to develop modern services. The Premier highly praised its treatment method of “medical care plus the Internet”.

The Premier is particularly concerned about the integration of “Mass Entrepreneurship and Innovation” with Internet Plus. While addressing the opening ceremony of the China Big Data Industry Summit in Guiyang, capital of southwest China’s Guizhou province, he said that China will integrate informatization with the real economy to seize the historic opportunity of the global science and technology revolution.

The rapid development of new economies, such as information industry, has brought hope to the sluggish global economic growth. And the informatization development in China is booming, the Premier said.

Premier Li Keqiang visits the citizens’ service center in Shiyan city of Hubei province on May 23, 2016 and asks about the implementation of reforms to delegate power, streamline administration and optimize government services.

As Premier Li Keqiang inspected the citizens’ service center in Shiyan city of Hubei province on May 23, he said affairs halls and service centers have been set up in every region of China, and their functions should be performed with a one-stop approval procedure processed at one service window. Further procedures for citizens and enterprises should be prohibited, the Premier emphasized.

Streamlining administrative procedures will not only reduce time costs for enterprises in achieving mass innovation and entrepreneurship, but also create more relaxed development room for makers.

“Streamlining administration and delegating power to lower-level governments is about transferring certain government profits to the market,” the Premier said when visiting Shiyan.

He stressed efforts to promote the sharing of government information and open big data to the society to offer more convenience for enterprises and the people, at the Big Data Expo in Guizhou province.

Premier Li Keqiang learns about 3D printed products during his inspection of the Kocel Machinery Co Ltd in Yinchuan, capital of Ningxia Hui autonomous region, on Feb 2, 2016.

The core of the China Manufacturing 2025 strategy is the deep integration of informationization and industrialization and upgrades of manufacturing, which are inseparable with mass entrepreneurship and innovation, Premier Li Keqiang said.

Many traditional manufacturing companies in China are trying to innovate their products, including the 3-D printing research of Ningxia Kocel Machinery Co Ltd and the super intelligent bicycle built from carbon fiber manufactured by Flying Pigeon, a traditional Chinese bicycle manufacturer.

Premier Li called the transformation of 3-D printing “turning a clunky woman into a fair lady” when he inspected the company in Ningxia, and also tried the new Flying Pigeon bicycle in Tianjin.

To gain achievements as it makes a new start, the manufacturing industry needs to reform and innovate to upgrade to intelligent manufacturing in China, the Premier said.

At the Big Data Expo in Guizhou province, he stressed that companies need to combine innovation with the craftsman’s spirit of traditional industries, and integrate new and old growth engines to make the “double engines” for the economic growth of China.

Premier Li Keqiang inspects the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security on May 6, 2016 and presides over a symposium on employment in Beijing.

The final goal of promoting mass entrepreneurship and innovation is to improve people’s livelihoods.

Premier Li stressed that university graduates and migrant workers are the two main groups for the employment issue. He urged the creation of mass entrepreneurship and innovation new growth engines to combine entrepreneurship and employment to boost domestic employment.

He visited the employment guidance center at Sichuan University to learn about the employment issues and chatted with villagers in Lushan, Sichuan province, on April 24 to learn about their incomes.

When delivering a speech at the opening ceremony of the Summer Davos in Tianjin on June 27, he said that China will continue to promote mass entrepreneurship and the “Internet Plus” initiative to foster new growth engines.
