State Council policies to boost employment

Updated: Oct 4,2017 8:32 AM     english.gov.cn

The State Council has released many preferential policies to promote employment, as Premier Li Keqiang stressed detailed measures to guarantee jobs for key groups.

For university graduates

The government will support strategic new industries, modern service industry and other new business patterns, in an effort to create more high-quality jobs for university graduates.

In addition, subsidies, tax cuts, and other supporting measures will be in place to encourage graduates to work in small and micro-sized enterprises, counties, and in central and western regions.

With solid implementation of the employment plan for graduates, the government also will focus on “Internet Plus employment” to better connect them to the job market.

For laid-off workers

The government will implement a re-employment support plan for laid-off workers, particularly in the steel and coal industries.

Skill training, subsidies, and preferential access to incubation parks will be provided to help laid-off workers start their own businesses or obtain skills required for transferred positions.

Meanwhile, public service jobs should be given to people having difficulties searching for jobs.

For rural migrant workers

The government will allocate more land to counties and towns with great potential, allowing them to attract more rural migrant workers and to develop tourism, services, and an economy with local features.

More policies will be in place to encourage migrant workers to start businesses in their hometowns, with particular support to farmer cooperatives, family farms, and small and micro-sized construction enterprises.

In addition, the government will provide professional training to migrant workers and encourage them to start businesses and get employed in new industries and businesses.

For retired soldiers

The government will support retired soldiers who want to start their own businesses and provide them with vocational training and incubation services.

For returned overseas students

The government will implement a support plan for returned overseas students, and encourage them to start businesses with their intangible assets, such as intellectual property rights, as shares.

Meanwhile, the certification of education degrees of returned students will be simplified, and more convenience will be offered to introduce talents and overseas high-end talents for the permanent residence application, according to the laws.

Other groups

The government will work to eliminate discrimination and help those with disabilities, minority workers, retired athletes, and rehabilitated drug addicts.

In addition, support policies will be in place to enable at least one member of a family who is able to work to get a job.
