Premier Li: Inclusive regulation boosts new businesses, employment

Updated: Sep 22,2017 7:03 AM     english.gov.cn

At the State Council executive meeting on Sept 20, Premier Li Keqiang said all the departments should hold an inclusive view toward new businesses to create more jobs.

While deploying work to expand employment, the Premier also urged all the departments and local governments to create more jobs through innovation and new businesses.

In recent years, he said, administrative streamlining and mass entrepreneurship and innovation had generated various new businesses and industries, laying a solid foundation for employment.

According to the Premier, the government always gives priority to employment, which matters the most to people’s livelihood, and will continue to guarantee more jobs through proactive policies, deepened reform and transformation of driving forces.  

Statistics show that unemployment rate in 31 big cities remained low in the first eight months, while employment structure was further improved, with jobs in the tertiary industry increasing to 43.5 percent in 2016.

With employment demand reaching its peak, China currently encounters the challenge caused by unbalanced employment demands and supplies.

“To solve the dilemma, stable growth and secured employment should supplement each other,” Premier Li said.

He further explained that sustainable economic growth is the pillar of employment while sufficient employment could give impetus to the transformation and upgrading of economic structure.

According to the meeting, a series of specific measures that are aimed at forging ahead mass entrepreneurship and innovation were required to be carried out.

“With emerging new types of industries, models and businesses, local government and related departments should set up an inclusive and prudent supervision system,” said the Premier.

Premier Li asked authorities to issue detailed policies to secure the employment of some specific groups.

He urged helping college graduates find jobs or start their businesses, and facilitating re-employment of laid-off workers due to capacity cuts by providing more subsidies, vocational training and public welfare jobs.

Retired soldiers, the disabled and poor residents should also receive more help from the government, he added.

He said vocational education and social insurance policies should be improved so as to fit with industry upgrade and new business types. He also ordered to strengthen supervision over job market and eliminate prejudice.

“Human resource is the most valuable resource. If a person gets a job, he could be defined as human resource and once he enhanced his professional skills, he would become a talent. Human resources and talents are the biggest potential of China’s economy,” the Premier said.
