State Council policies to affect lives, industries

Updated: Apr 6,2017 11:55 AM     english.gov.cn

This spring, the State Council released a series of polices that will bring changes to people’s lives and to many industries.

Hot majors in coming years

By 2020, there will be a huge shortage of talented personnel in information technology, electronic equipment, robotics, and new materials industries.

According to data, by 2020, a gap of 7.5 million personnel will exist in the new-generation information technology industry, and by 2025 the gap will expand to 9.5 million.

Compared to traditional engineering personnel, new engineering talent requires cross-discipline technicians with high practical and innovative abilities.

Rising grants for PhDs

On March 5, improvement in national grants for PhDs was written into the government work report.

Recently, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Central University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, and Dalian Maritime University started implementing the policy to increase their grants for PhDs. In addition, grants for each PhD student at central universities will increase from 12,000 yuan ($1,740) per year to 15,000 yuan ($2,174).

Management of registration for physicians

The management of registrations for physicians by the National Health and Family Planning Commission was implemented on April 1.

According to the new management method, physicians can carry out medical practices in provincial or county-level administrative regions and there will be no limits on the number of medical institutions that a physician can register with.

Great demand for internet talent

According to a circular issued by the State Council, by 2018, the internet will be further integrated with all economic and social sectors and become a major method to provide public services.

Currently, a short supply of talent is felt in the sectors of big data, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, and internet security.

A report from McKinsey, a global consulting firm, indicates that by 2018, demand for big data technicians will surge, and there will be a shortage of 140,000 to 190,000 big data scientists. In addition, there will be a huge shortage of 1.5 million big data analysts and managers.

Policies for traditional crafts

On March 24, the State Council issued a plan to revitalize China’s traditional craftsmanship.

According to the plan, by 2020, the nation should see substantial improvement in inheritance and recreating traditional crafts with better industry management and market competitiveness.

Income increase for scientific researchers

The State Council recently issued a circular to increase incomes for scientific researchers and professional technicians.

On March 15, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security decided at a meeting to back up technical education during the 13th Five-Year Plan period.

Improvement in elderly care

On March 22, a circular was jointly issued by State Council departments, including the Ministry of Civil Affairs and Ministry of Public Security, making the decision to improve the quality of elderly care nursing institutions across the nation.

According to the plan, more than 50 percent of China’s elderly care nursing institutions will be able to provide different kinds of medical services.

On March 28, another plan was issued by State Council departments to improve the elderly care system in coping with the aging population.

Favorable policies for farmers

On March 24, the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Agriculture jointly issued major favorable policies for farmers, in accordance with the central government’s goal to carry out agricultural supply-side reform.

Strict policies for real estate agencies

On March 29, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development circulated a list of 30 real estate agencies and companies that are in violation of laws and regulations.

This is the third such list published since last year, which exposed 96 real estate agencies.

Punishment for dishonest companies

On March 28, the State Council published a memorandum jointly signed by 33 ministries to improve the national social credit system and punish dishonest companies at customs.

Sixty departments including the National Development and Reform Commission, State Administration of Taxation, and State Administration of Industry and Commerce signed memorandums of punishment methods in 13 sectors, accelerating efforts to build a social credit system.
