Weekly policies to improve people’s lives (March 26-April 1)

Updated: Apr 1,2017 1:16 PM     english.gov.cn

State Council announces ninth batch of national parks

The State Council announced the ninth batch of national parks on March 29, covering 19 scenic spots in 12 provincial regions.

It urged authorities to protect and manage the parks’ natural resources for sustainable development.

Detail: 9th batch of national parks announced

Plan to promote garbage classification

The State Council issued a plan to promote garbage classification on March 30, setting a goal for the recycling rate in cities where household garbage is sorted to reach 35 percent by 2020.

The first batch of cities that are required to sort garbage by 2020 include Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Chongqing and all capitals of provincial regions.

They need to release their own regulations on issues such as standards to categorize garbage, and methods to collect, transport and dispose of garbage, by the end of this year. Toxic, kitchen and recyclable garbage are three categories that the document emphasized.

Detail: China to promote garbage classification

Guideline issued for delivery security

The State Post Bureau released a guideline on the security protocol management of postal and express delivery service, which will be officially implemented from April 1.

To ensure delivery security, delivery companies will ask senders to fill out a delivery detail list and abide by state regulations on the prohibition and restriction of goods delivery.

It also requires couriers to check in person whether the delivery items contain any prohibited or restricted goods, and make sure the name, category and amount of the items are in accord with the details of delivery protocols.

China to remedy housing price manipulation

The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development on March 29 mandated every region to continue to restore order in the real estate market, focusing on remediation of the housing resources monopoly and housing price manipulation conducted by real estate development companies and agencies.

Meanwhile, it requires cracking down on down payment loans and other unauthorized funds pouring into the real estate market.

Rules on law enforcement of urban management

The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development rolled out rules on law enforcement of urban management, in order to enhance law enforcement, improve services and maintain order in urban management, as well as protect the legitimate rights of law enforcement. The rules will be implemented from May 1.
