National innovation demonstration zone in Fujian officially approved

Updated: Jun 20,2016 4:57 PM     english.gov.cn

The State Council has issued a reply to the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Fujian provincial government, officially approving the establishment of the Fuzhou-Xiamen-Quanzhou national innovation demonstration zone.

It will be built in coordination with three high-tech zones located in the three cities in Fujian province.

The new demonstration zone is aimed at promoting the development of new economy and cultivating new growth drivers through implementing an all-around strategy of innovation-driven development and further promoting mass entrepreneurship and innovation. It strives to become a sci-tech innovation center with strong industrial competence and international influence by bringing into full play its geographic and ecological advantages.

It will enjoy the preferential policies for national innovation demonstration zones in China.

The new innovation zone will take pilot measures in areas of cross-Straits collaborative innovation, transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements, construction of major platforms of technological innovation, combination of high technology with finance, the use and protection of intellectual property rights, talent introduction, and building an innovation and entrepreneurship service system, with an effort to create replicable and promotable experience.

The inter-ministerial coordination panel of national innovation demonstration zones will direct the overall work, and related departments under the State Council will actively give support regarding arrangements for major projects, experimental policies and institutional innovation.

The Fujian provincial government is responsible for establishing a platform for innovation coordination and formulating detailed implementation plans to advance construction of the Fuzhou-Xiamen-Quanzhou national innovation demonstration zone.
