Farmland and water conservancy projects promoted

Updated: Jun 2,2016 4:29 PM     english.gov.cn

The State Council issued rules on June 2 to improve the development of engineering projects on farmland and water conservancy in an effort to enhance agricultural production and ensure national food safety.

The rules adopted measures for engineering projects in irrigation and drainage to protect farmland from natural disasters such as drought and flood and improve agricultural production.

The water administration department of the State Council is responsible for the management and supervision of national farmland and water conservancy; local government above county levels will take charge of the work within its jurisdiction.

The department will also formulate plans for national farmland and water conservancy, which will take into account factors such as economic and social development, balance of supply and demand of soil and water resources, demand for agricultural production and environmental protection.

On drafting local plans for farmland and water conservancy, local government should draw opinions from rural collectives, rural water coops and farmers.

Government-invested engineering projects will be inspected by government departments above county levels; projects invested by social funds will be checked by investors or owners.

Large and medium-sized engineering projects invested by government will be led by companies designated by governments above county levels for operation and maintenance. Introducing social power by government purchasing to get involved in the operation is also encouraged.

No unit or individual is allowed to occupy agricultural irrigation water and engineering facilities for farmland and water conservancy without permission.

Engineering projects that have to use irrigation water or engineering facilities for farmland and water conservancy should negotiate with those in charge and report to the related government department for approval.

Water use plans should be made by the irrigation area and approved by the water administration department, and contracts should be signed with irrigation water users.

Advanced farm drainage technologies and measures are encouraged to promote the transformation of salt marshes and low or medium yield land and reduce the loss of agricultural fertilizers to prevent pollution.
