Premier encourages private investment in water conservancy projects

Updated: Nov 25,2014 4:58 PM     english.gov.cn

Premier Li addresses a conference at the Ministry of Water Resources on Nov 24, 2014.[Photo/english.gov.cn]

Premier Li Keqiang said on Nov 24 that innovative measures should be taken to accelerate the construction of important water conservancy projects.

Premier Li also said that the construction of the projects does not only depend on the government - as the authorities should also take advantage of the market. Li added that private funds should be used for innovative investment and financing mechanisms, and to promote investment and financing modes such as PPP (Public-Private-Partnership), BOT (Build-Operate-Transfer) and TOT (Transfer-Operate-Transfer).

He said that the issue of water conservancy has remained unsolved for thousands of years - and it should be solved by reform.

Premier Li Keqiang inspects the Ministry of Water Resources in Beijing, Nov 24, 2014.[Photo/english.gov.cn]
