Vice-premier urges pragmatic poverty-alleviation

Updated: Jul 5,2018 11:14 AM     english.gov.cn

Hu Chunhua, vice-premier and head of the State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development, addressed a conference on advancing national poverty-alleviation undertakings on July 4, where a protocol on poverty-mitigation cooperation between eastern and western regions of China was signed.

Hu pressed for an all-around implementation of President Xi Jinping’s speech at another conference held in Yinchuan, Northwest China’s Ningxia Hui autonomous region, pushing forward east-west poverty-relief cooperation and constantly orienting related work to real circumstances.

That calls for mapping out targets in detail, Hu said, highlighting strengthened industry cooperation with a long-term enterprise-involved mechanism, solid labor service cooperation, extensive talent exchanges, mobilization of people from all walks of life and open-mindedness for cooperation in the western region.

Innovations are more than welcome, Hu added, which will help with a seamless transition between current work and ultimate objectives. Meanwhile, related funds should be utilized well, providing the underprivileged with improved livelihoods.

Additionally, rigorous assessment and supervision are an absolute necessity, as only with them fully in place can the east-west poverty alleviation cooperation be guaranteed success.
