Vice-premier maps out strategy for manufacturing demonstration areas

Updated: Nov 24,2017 4:06 PM     english.gov.cn

Vice-Premier Ma Kai presided over a meeting centered on the Made in China 2025 plan in Jiangsu province, emphasizing urgent efforts to establish national demonstration areas to facilitate the country’s manufacturing transformation, Xinhua reported on Nov 23.

Ma stressed that authorities at all levels should strengthen overall coordination, develop innovative mechanisms, and cultivate talent in a bid to further the implementation of the Made in China 2025 plan.

Ma added that the national demonstration areas are aimed at boosting the Made in China 2025 plan, hence the demonstration cities should be selected through rigorous criteria.

Individuality, said Ma, should be reflected in the establishment of demonstration sites, which will pave the way for a great diversity in China’s advanced manufacturing sector.

The vice-premier urged the areas to make breakthroughs in innovation, and create replicable experiences that can be widely applied to other regions.

The government should create a central force combining various resource elements in a bid to bolster the demonstration areas. In so doing, more policies should be formulated to streamline administration and delegate power, ensure land supply, and cultivate professionals.
