Vice-premier publishes article on health system reform

Updated: Aug 16,2017 2:15 PM     qstheory.cn/english.gov.cn

Vice-Premier Liu Yandong has published a signed article on deepening healthcare reform and building a healthy China in the Qiushi Journal, the flagship magazine of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee.

In developing China’s healthcare, the vice-premier stressed that people’s health should be the top priority, adhering to serving public welfare in accordance with the plan of “Healthy China 2030”, which was passed at a national meeting on health in August 2016.

In the article, Liu reviewed the achievements China has made on medical and healthcare sector in the past decades. The country has established world’s largest public medical insurance network, improved both urban and rural medical service, strengthened public health prevention and emergency capability, and greatly improved people’s health and well-beings, Liu said.

She also listed major tasks and requirements in scientifically promoting development of healthcare and medical sector. Liu stressed to strengthen the prevention and control of major diseases, reinforce the medical and healthcare services targeted at aged and vulnerable groups, and promote fitness activities nationwide.

Meanwhile, the coordinated reform on medical treatment, medical insurance and medicine should also be strengthened, with efforts to push forward classified medical system, construct modern hospital management system, regulate medicine supply and improve supervision system.

The vice-premier also asked to reinforce talent cultivation, speed up the healthy development of Chinese medicine and health industry, and strengthen international exchanges and cooperation.
