Vice-premier calls for strengthening China-Germany people-to-people exchanges

Updated: May 25,2017 10:27 AM     english.gov.cn/Xinhua

Vice-Premier Liu Yandong (R) co-chairs the first meeting of the High-Level China-Germany People-to-people Exchange Dialogue Mechanism, with German Vice Chancellor and Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel, in Beijing, capital of China, May 24, 2017. [Photo/Xinhua]

Vice-Premier Liu Yandong called for improving people-to-people exchanges between China and Germany at the first meeting of the High-Level China-Germany People-to-People Exchange Dialogue Mechanism, which was held in Beijing on May 24.

The meeting was co-chaired by the vice-premier and German Vice Chancellor and Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel.

Liu read a congratulatory letter on behalf of President Xi Jinping for the meeting.

Noting China-Germany relations were at their best ever, Liu said the two countries were highly complementary when it came to cooperation.

The meeting would serve to consolidate public support and promote mutual learning in culture.

Liu called for extensive, active participation from the two sides, increasing pragmatic cooperation and improving people-to-people exchanges to invigorate the China-Germany comprehensive strategic partnership.

Gabriel said Germany was willing to increase cooperation in people-to-people exchanges.

Liu and Gabriel signed a joint declaration on establishing the mechanism.
