China to firmly support Palestinian people: vice-premier

Zhang Yunbi
Updated: Apr 1,2016 7:21 AM     chinadaily.com.cn

Vice-Premier Liu Yandong meets with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah on March 31, 2016.[Photo/Xinhua]

Ramallah — Vice-Premier Liu Yandong voiced China’s firm support for the Palestinian people on March 31.

China “will support without hesitation” any solution that is conducive to resuming peace talks and achieving peaceful co-existence between Palestine and Israel, Liu said as she met with Palestinian leaders in the West Bank city of Ramallah. She was on the final stop of a trip to Egypt, Israel and Palestine from March 25 to March 31.

While meeting with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Liu said her visit was meant to further implement the measures proposed by President Xi Jinping in a Middle East policy speech on Jan 21.

In the speech at the Cairo headquarters of the League of Arab States, President Xi said that “it is the common responsibility of the international community to safeguard the legitimate national rights and interests of the people of Palestine”, adding that “the Palestinian issue should not be marginalized”.

Abbas said he was honored and delighted by Liu’s visit, adding that Palestine appreciates President Xi’s stance on the Palestine issue and supports achieving peace through talks.

Vice-Premier Liu Yandong meets with Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah on March 31, 2016.[Photo/Xinhua]

As Liu and Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah watched, representatives of the two governments signed an agreement to help build solar power plants in Palestine.

Liu visited Faisal al-Husseine Basic School for Girls in Ramallah and presented a certificate stating China’s plans to donate teaching facilities and supplies to the school.

Liu observed a lesson about China in a ninth-grade classroom.
