Liu eyes education, health services to tackle poverty

Updated: Feb 29,2016 2:07 PM     english.gov.cn

Vice-Premier Liu Yandong has called for the effective implementation of policy decisions regarding poverty alleviation made by the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and the State Council.

The vice-premier urged reinforced efforts in advancing targeted poverty alleviation as she visited Sichuan province.

She targeted achieving poverty relief through measures concerning education and health, boosting the cultural awareness and physical wellbeing of the residents in poor areas, as well as promoting economic development and livelihoods.

Sichuan’s Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture is China’s largest residential area of the Yi ethnic minority and one of the poorest regions in Sichuan province. Transportation and education facilities need to be boosted to enhance local development there.

During her trip to Liangshan, Liu visited elementary schools in rural areas and private vocational schools, and she chaired a seminar to solicit opinions and suggestions about poverty alleviation through boosting education.

Liu stressed the need to expand the supply of public services for education to “ensure an education of fairness and quality for the children of the poor households”.

All sectors of society were called on to participate in helping every school, teacher and student in poor areas and future career paths should be secured and mapped out for children left home there, Liu said.

She also visited local communities, community level medical organizations and county level hospitals, stressing the need to eradicate poverty brought about by serious illness.
