Vice-premier stresses innovation-driven development strategy

Updated: Feb 6,2016 10:39 AM     english.gov.cn

Vice-Premier Liu Yandong offered Spring Festival greetings and good wishes to science and technology working staff during a visit to the Science and Technology Daily on Feb 5.

Congratulating on the 30th anniversary of the publication of the daily, the vice-premier said since its publication, the paper has recorded the brilliant achievements of China’s modernization drive and science and technology cause.

She urged the paper to focus on the innovation-driven development strategy, strengthen scientific and technological news dissemination and its ability to guide public opinion to enable science and technology to play its leading role in social and economic development.

The vice-premier called for comprehensive coverage of the great achievements in scientific and technological innovation, in-depth coverage of the country’s strategic decisions and strengthened interpretation of the innovation policies.

She called for the spread of scientific spirit and the framing of the conception of developing the country depending on science and technology as well as innovation.

The vice-premier also urged the paper to study the development rules of new media and innovate its transmission style so as to increase its attractiveness and influence in scientific and technological dissemination, thus making new contributions to the building of the well-off society and China’s efforts to become an innovative nation.
