Vice-premier meets Israeli PM

Updated: Nov 14,2015 9:33 AM     Xinhua

Visiting Vice-Premier Wang Yang (L) shakes hands with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during their meeting at the Prime Minister’s Office in Jerusalem, on Nov 13.[Photo/Xinhua]

JERUSALEM — China and Israel should tap complementary advantages, enhance innovation cooperation, improve the agriculture cooperation mechanism, expand trade, facilitate people-to-people exchanges and constantly upgrade the level of bilateral cooperation, visiting Vice-Premier Wang Yang said during a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Nov 13.

Wang said his current visit is aimed at implementing previous agreements reached between the heads of state and government of the two countries, strengthening high-level exchanges and advancing pragmatic cooperation.

The Chinese and Jewish peoples stood together in times of need during the world anti-fascist war and forged a deep friendship, laying a solid foundation for the development of China-Israel relations, he said.

The Vice-Premier said the visit is also aimed at getting a better understanding of the Israeli-Palestinian situation and reviving the stalled peace talks.

Wang pointed out that China is deeply concerned over recent Israeli-Palestinian tensions, and believes it’s imperative now that both sides refrain from escalating the tensions.

He urged the Israelis and Palestinians to exercise maximum restraint, and appeals to Israel to adhere to its strategic choice of peace talks.

China will strengthen coordination with related parties and play a constructive role in achieving Israeli-Palestinian peace and maintaining regional peace and stability, Wang said.

Netanyahu said Israel is ready to make joint efforts with China for further bilateral cooperation in economy and trade, science and technology, innovation, agriculture as well as culture.

Israel attaches importance to its relations with China and is willing to work with China to constantly improve the current mechanism for inter-governmental cooperation between the two countries, carry out mutually agreed projects and draft up larger cooperation programs in the long term, Netanyahu said.

He added that Israel is willing to seek a political solution to its conflict with the Palestinians, and hopes that China will play a bigger role in promoting peace and stability in the Middle East.
