Vice-premier calls for increased flood control efforts

Updated: May 23,2015 5:24 PM     english.gov.cn

Vice-Premier Wang Yang, who heads the country’s flood and drought control work operations, attended a State Council meeting on flood and drought control in Beijing on May 23.

He called on relevant authorities to enhance efforts to prevent serious floods and other disasters by following the instructions of President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang on flood prevention to minimize losses and better protect people’s lives and properties.

As the entire country enters the main flood season, extreme weather might occur frequently, the vice-premier said.

He called on local authorities and relevant departments to closely monitor weather and flood changes, issue warnings in time and examine hidden dangers in an all-round way.

They should also be prepared for emergencies, to evacuate people affected by disasters and effectively, and in an orderly manner, carry out disaster prevention and relief efforts, he added.
