State councilor holds phone conversation with US Secretary of State

Updated: May 20,2017 7:40 PM     Xinhua

BEIJING — China will closely coordinate with the United States to prepare for the upcoming first round of the China-US diplomatic and security dialogue to ensure its success, State Councilor Yang Jiechi said on May 20.

Yang made the remarks in a phone conversation with US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.

Tillerson said the United States will coordinate with China in preparation for the dialogue and he hopes the talks will yield positive results.

Since President Xi Jinping and his US counterpart, Donald Trump, held meetings in April at Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, China-US relations, guided by the consensus reached by the two leaders, have made important and positive progress, Yang said.

Yang urged the two countries to continue high level official contact and execute the 100-day plan for economic cooperation established between the two countries. He called on both sides to continue to work closely on international issues.

Yang and Tillerson also exchanged views on international and regional issues of common concern such as the Korean Peninsula situation.
