Government takes measures to maintain medical order

Updated: Oct 17,2018 11:18 AM     chinadaily.com.cn

Twenty-eight ministries and institutions jointly issued a cooperation memo on Oct 16 to punish those who severely harm medical operations, Xinhua News Agency reported.

The ministries and institutions include the National Development and Reform Commission, People’s Bank of China, National Health Commission, Ministry of Public Security, Civil Aviation Administration of China and Supreme People’s Court.

Behaviors defined as severely harming medical operation include scalping tickets for hospital appointments, deliberately hurting medical staff, damaging public and private property, illegally restricting personal liberty of medical staff, insulting and intimidating medical staff and illegally bringing guns and dangerous items into hospitals.

Offenders will be banned from being recruited as civil servants and taking positions as legal entities, directors or senior executives in State-owned enterprises, be disqualified for subsidized financial support and face other penalties.
