China to streamline traffic public services

Updated: Aug 3,2018 4:37 PM     Xinhua

BEIJING — The Traffic Management Bureau with China’s Ministry of Public Security (MPS) announced that traffic public services will be streamlined nationwide starting September.

Twenty measures will be introduced, including requiring fewer or zero application materials, enabling citizens to handle different matters at the same counter, and providing access to traffic public services online, in the campaign to improve traffic public services.

The MPS released the 20 measures in June and piloted eight of them in 36 major cities.

In a teleconference convened on Aug 2, the Traffic Management Bureau asked its subordinate organs to work hard and get ready for implementing the reform measures nationwide on Sept 1.

China had 319 million motor vehicles and 396 million vehicle drivers as of the end of June 2018, according to the MPS data.
