Chinese consumers show strong demand for imported products

Updated: May 28,2018 4:43 PM     Xinhua

BEIJING — Chinese consumers want imported products, a survey showed on May 28.

Over 20 percent of 1,397 respondents said imported products account for more than 30 percent of their total consumption, according to a survey released by the Ministry of Commerce.

Cosmetics are the most popular imported product, followed by maternal and infant supplies, watches and glasses.

About 31 percent of the surveyed consumers expect to increase spending on imported products in the next six months, especially on cosmetics, watches and glasses.

For commercial enterprises like retailers, 24.4 percent of 1,018 respondents said sales of imported products account for over half of their total sales, with passenger vehicles posting the biggest share.

Brand is the decisive factor for Chinese firms, followed by safety, price, design and other factors.

Chinese firms plan to increase imports of over one third of 92 surveyed product items. Popular imported products include wine, fresh fruit, beer and milk, the survey showed.
