China to establish blacklist to punish dishonest charity donors

Updated: Feb 25,2018 8:10 PM     Xinhua

BEIJING — China plans to establish a “red list” and a blacklist to reward and punish donors in charity work, according to the Ministry of Civil Affairs.

Li Bo with the ministry said at a news conference that a memorandum has been signed by 40 departments and offices, including the ministry and National Development and Reform Commission, to publish lists of honest and dishonest charity donors.

The honest donors, both individuals and organizations, will receive a boost to their credit records and enjoy favorable policies and preferential services, while dishonest donors will be closely watched by authorities and face punishments.

The lists will not only be shared among authorities but also published on websites of government offices, such as creditchina.gov.cn and cishan.chinanpo.gov.cn.

In September 2017, the ministry publicized information on 2,134 charitable organizations at cishan.chinanpo.gov.cn.

China’s Charity Law went into effect on Sept 1, 2016.
