Chinese spend more on express delivery in 2016

Updated: Jun 26,2017 8:40 AM     Xinhua

BEIJING — Chinese spent more on express delivery services last year, while average delivery costs continued to drop, according to an industry report.

Chinese average spending on express delivery stood at 287 yuan ($42) last year, up 42.7 percent year on year, according to a report released by the State Post Bureau.

Meanwhile, average cost dropped from 13.4 yuan per piece to 12.7 yuan per item and survey showed that consumers are increasingly satisfied with the service.

A total of 31.3 billion parcels were delivered last year, up 51.4 percent year on year.

The sector generated 397 billion yuan in revenue last year, up 43.5, the bureau said.

The target annual revenue of the courier sector will be 800 billion yuan in 2020, according to a policy document released by the State Council last October.
