Lists of streamlined items published for public supervision

Updated: Mar 2,2017 2:32 PM     english.gov.cn/People’s Daily

The State Council on March 1 published for public supervision two lists of administrative review and approval items that have been cancelled and regulated since 2013.

In recent years, China’s central government intensified its reform to streamline administration, delegate more powers, improve regulation, and provide better services. Premier Li Keqiang has stressed on different occasions the importance of streamlining administration. He urged related departments to delegate more powers to local governments and cancel some intermediary service items to create a fair competition environment and further boost social and economic development.

In accordance with the Party and the State Council’s deployment, the State Council’s Administrative Examination and Approval System Reform Office and related departments have made great efforts to streamline intermediary services requiring administrative approval and cut approval items delegated to local governments by central government.

Since 2013, 323 intermediary service items requiring administrative approval have been cut or regulated, while 283 approval items delegated to local governments by central government have been eliminated. Business burdens have been reduced, and people are encouraged to participate in starting businesses and making innovations. Streamlining administration has further stimulated market vitality and creativity.
