Environment minister demands sound air quality in year beginning

Updated: Jan 14,2016 8:17 AM     Xinhua

BEIJING — China’s Minister of Environmental Protection Chen Jining has called for tough and targeted measure to ensure sound air quality in the first quarter of 2016, the remaining winter season.

The minister listed several “feasible” measures for the goal, such as conducting regular inspections over companies and vehicles with excessive emissions, better monitoring major pollution sources and improving forecast.

The 2015 average PM2.5 density in north China regions around Beijing dropped 10.4 percent from 2014, said Chen, adding it’s a “hard-earned achievement” despite winter smog in the area.

All places must also work out measures to actively cope with serious pollution weather, he said.

He asked local authorities to launch the highest-level pollution warning — red alert — in a timely manner once the pollution weather appears to be extreme. Those who fail to well respond to the pollution emergencies will be held responsible.
