‘Health for all, all for health’

Updated: Nov 23,2016 9:57 AM     cntv.cn

The world’s attention is focusing on Shanghai not only for its economic achievements but now for a major gathering on health issues. The 9th Global Conference on Health Promotion officially runs from Nov 21 through Nov 24.

Premier Li Keqiang made the opening speech to welcome all the guests. He underlined the importance of the health sector in future development.

“Health promotion is a common goal shared by all countries. We published the Plan of Health China 2030. Our goal is to provide health services to every citizen by 2030. Life expectancy is to reach 79 years old, aimed at meeting the standard of high-income countries,” said Premier Li.

One of the highlights of this year’s event, the Shanghai Declaration on Health Promotion, is delivered as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by world leaders. The goal is to end poverty and inequality and tackle climate change.

Conference delegates are invited to tour sites in the host city where innovations in health promotion and sustainable development have been implemented. Nearly 50 routes are planned. Each includes a school, a workplace and a neighborhood community.

The conference in Shanghai marks the 30th anniversary of the first global health promotion conference, which generated the landmark Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion. This year’s conference speaks volumes about China’s emergence as a leader in world health policies.
