Premier Li speaks highly of administrative reform in Shaanxi FTZ

Updated: Jul 10,2017 5:06 PM     english.gov.cn

Premier Li Keqiang spoke highly of the administrative reform inside the Shaanxi Free Trade Zone (FTZ) during an inspection of the service hall at its Yangling demonstration zone in Xianyang city, on July 10.

The reform allows business owners to remotely apply for business licenses by scanning QR codes through WeChat, or uploading images of ID cards and photos.

The Premier said administrative reform should bring practical benefits to people.

Premier Li also asked in detail about implementation of the reform of replacing business tax with value-added tax (VAT).

He was told that since the VAT reform, corporate burdens have been reduced, the number of taxpayers increased by 20 percent, and market vitality greatly stimulated.

“That’s our objective for implementing the reform,” said the Premier.
