Premier meets Japanese economic delegation

Updated: Sep 12,2018 9:09 PM     english.gov.cn

Premier Li Keqiang met with a Japanese economic delegation headed by Chairman of Keidanren (Japan Business Federation) Hiroaki Nakanishi, Chairman of the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry Akio Mimura, and Chairman of the Japan-China Economic Association Shoji Muneoka, at the Great Hall of the People on Sept 12.

More than 200 executives from major Japanese companies attended the meeting.

According to the Premier, with concerted efforts from both sides, China-Japan relations have maintained a momentum of improvement, as this year marks the 40th anniversary of the China-Japan Treaty of Peace and Friendship.

He said that China and Japan should always adhere to the principles set in the four political documents signed by the two sides, learn from the past, and face the future.

The two countries, he added, should proceed from the fundamental and long-term interests of the two peoples, stay in the right direction of peace, friendship and cooperation, consolidate the momentum of improving bilateral relations and promote the steady development of bilateral ties.

China-Japan pragmatic cooperation is well-grounded and promising, said the Premier, adding that both sides could leverage their respective advantages and use economic and trade cooperation as a “propeller” of bilateral ties.

The Premier also urged efforts to step up cooperation in innovation and high-tech, make use of the innovative dialogue mechanism between the two countries, tap the potential of third-party market cooperation, and hold a China-Japan third-party market cooperation forum.

By continuously unleashing the potential of bilateral cooperation, the two sides will see mutual benefits and win-win outcomes at higher levels and in broader areas, he said.

China will firmly push forward reform and opening-up, ease market access, protect intellectual property rights, and optimize the business environment, Premier Li stressed, adding that China will continue to be a popular investment destination for foreign investment.

As major world economies, China and Japan should voice opposition against unilateralism and protectionism, and safeguard multilateralism and free trade, stabilizing the expectation for further recovery of the global economy, he said.

China, the Premier said, is willing to work with Japan and other parties to push forward negotiations on the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), in a bid to facilitate trade and investment and build an open world economy.

The heads of the Japanese delegation said China and Japan are close neighbors, and developing friendly and reciprocal relations not only benefits both sides, but also serves global prosperity and stability.

The economic sector in Japan supports the joint effort of both nations to oppose protectionism, and uphold multilateralism and free trade, they said.

They added that the economic sector will also promote negotiations on a free trade zone among China, Japan, and South Korea, and RCEP.

They also expressed their willingness to enhance cooperation with China in innovation and the digital economy, and expand cooperation in third-party markets for win-win results.
