More cuts to logistics costs urged

Updated: Jun 30,2018 8:26 PM     english.gov.cn

Premier Li Keqiang stressed the significance of transportation development to the Chinese economy at the State Council executive meeting on June 27.

He explained that more efforts in structural adjustment and efficiency improvement in the sector not only lower the logistics costs for society but also boost the development of the national economy and efficient investment.

Five specific measures were arranged during the meeting to realize the goals.

According to an analysis, China has essentially completed a modern and comprehensive transportation system, with the most mileage of highways and high-speed railways and the greatest number of 10,000-ton level deep-water ports in the world, and a total operational mileage for railroads ranking second in the globe.

Despite the achievements, infrastructure building in the transportation sector still needs improvements, Premier Li said. He called for further maximizing of transportation structure, by giving railways the leading role in cargo shipments and long-distance transportation.

“Multiple and flexible air, rail and port shipping connections should be encouraged to better meet market demands,” he added.

Highway transportation has the advantage of flexibility among short-distance transportation, and most of its users are small and mid-size enterprises which provide a majority of the job opportunities, Premier Li said, urging the standardization of freight vehicles on the highways and innovative development of the industry.

He asked related departments to overhaul service charges in transportation, cut unreasonable charges and adjust high fees, in an effort to lower logistics costs.

“We should guide the fair competition and healthy development of new businesses in Internet Plus transportation, and prevent possible safety risks,” the Premier said. “Safety is the bottom line, and related departments should take measures according to the law in coping with any cases.”
