Premier: Help more Chinese brands gain global recognition

Updated: May 10,2018 11:28 PM     english.gov.cn

Premier Li Keqiang said local governments and State Council departments should help more Chinese brands and products gain recognition around the world.

He made the remarks in an instruction on brand building ahead of China Brand Day activities held in Shanghai on May 10. He urged enhancing brand building and high-quality supply for better development.

The Premier said more efforts should be made to encourage entrepreneurship and craftsmanship, and enhance the quality and variety of Chinese products to meet upgraded market demands.

Vice-Premier Hu Chunhua attended the opening ceremony of the first expo of Chinese brands.

According to Hu, brand building is an inevitable path toward high-quality growth. As a win-win way to benefit global consumers, better brands also can meet people’s expectations of the good life.

Hu stressed that China will strengthen the legal system, optimize market environment, and enhance talent training, providing strong support to the nation’s brand building.

He called for enterprises from all nations to seize opportunities in China’s opening-up, and make full use of the Belt and Road Initiative. Consumers, trade associations, and other players are also encouraged to make contributions.

After the ceremony, he also paid a visit to a business service center and several enterprises in Shanghai’s free trade zone.
