Premier Li urges innovation, better livelihoods

Updated: Mar 6,2018 9:00 PM     english.gov.cn

Premier Li Keqiang joined a panel discussion with deputies from South China’s Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region at the first session of the 13th National People’s Congress in Beijing on March 6.

Deputies expressed their views on economic and social development, manufacturing upgrading and rural renovation, and showed the Premier pictures and models about poverty alleviation and innovation.

Premier Li said China made historic achievements and transformation in the past five years under the leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) with Xi Jinping at the core.

Guangxi also was a front runner in growth, with economic indicators higher than the national average, he said.

This year more efforts shall be made to stabilize growth, promote reform, prevent risks and bring more benefits to the public, Premier Li said.

Premier Li pointed out that to consolidate good development trends, innovation, reform and opening-up need to be continued.

2018 marks the 40th year since the reform and opening-up policy was first proposed, Premier Li said. Local governments should strengthen exploration according to practical situations, promote more specific reform measures, and gather all beneficial elements for better productivity.

The Premier said more work should be done to expand opening-up, deepen the construction of the Belt and Road Initiative, and further promote convenient trading and investment.

Creating new driving power is important for development, Premier Li said, adding that the innovation-driven development strategy, Internet Plus and Made in China 2025 should be better implemented.

Meanwhile, an innovative platform with different market entities should be built to encourage cooperation and sharing, he said.

Premier Li also called for the promotion of the craftsmanship spirit to build up a powerful nation in manufacturing, thus seizing advantage in future competition.

The Premier stressed the people-centered development concept, saying that the fundamental purpose of reform and development is to make the people’s lives better.

Government at all levels should allocate more funds to safeguard and improve people’s lives, and special efforts should be made on targeting poverty reduction in extremely poor areas and less developed regions, he said.

Guangxi, as the only coastal provincial region in West China, has obvious geographic advantages and huge development potential, the Premier said. He urged the regional government to strive for development with better quality, better economic structure and more sense of gain for the people.
