Premier Li urges building sound business environment, fair market

Updated: Dec 29,2017 8:54 PM     english.gov.cn

Premier Li Keqiang stressed efforts to create a sound business environment and maintain fair market competition in an instruction sent to a symposium on supervision work of the industrial and commercial sector and the market held on Dec 29 in Beijing.

Creating a sound business environment lays an important foundation for a modern economic system and high-quality development, Premier Li said in the instruction.

The sustained reform of China’s business system in recent years and the improved business environment have greatly stimulated market vigor, promoted entrepreneurship and employment, and improved people’s lives.

Under new circumstances, efforts should be made to further promote business system reform through overall practices of “separating operating permits and business licenses” and online administrative approvals, promoting innovation in supervision methods and improving government services in the industrial and commercial sector and market supervision. This will unleash the potential of mass entrepreneurship and innovation, and meet people’s needs for better lives.

State Councilor Wang Yong attended and addressed the meeting. He emphasized the importance of fully implementing Premier Li’s instruction, and urged efforts to further deepen the business system reform and optimize the business environment.

Wang said historic achievements have been made by all the regions and departments in business registration and market supervision.

Guided by the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the principles of the Central Economic Work Conference, he urged all regions and related departments to continue to work separating business licenses and operating permits, promoting online registration and implementing the oversight models of random inspection and public release.

He also asked them to secure consumers’ rights, strengthen law enforcement in market supervision, create a safe and comfortable consumption environment for the people, and help promote high-quality economic development.
