Premier Li: Agricultural survey results should be effectively utilized

Updated: Dec 17,2017 4:23 PM     english.gov.cn

Premier Li Keqiang inspects a piece of high-standard farmland in Changge of Henan province on Sept 24, 2015. [File photo]

Premier Li Keqiang urged all departments to fully utilize results of the third national agricultural survey, as the results were reported to the State Council executive meeting chaired by Premier Li on Dec 13.

He looked through the report documents carefully at the meeting, calling all government departments to fully analyze the statistics listed, compare them with data from the second survey 10 years ago, and reveal the country’s changes in economic and social sectors.

He said it concerns all departments, not just one or two units, and the data should be a reference when they make policy decisions.

Premier Li Keqiang inspects a piece of high-standard farmland in Changge of Henan province on Sept 24, 2015. [File Photo]

The third national agricultural survey covered 230 million rural families, 0.6 million rural units, and 2 million agricultural business entities across the country, and it is also an all-round reflection of China’s rural infrastructure, comprehensive production capacity and social affairs in rural areas.

It showed leapfrog achievements in grain production, with mushrooming business entities and patterns. Rural infrastructure, social undertakings and farmers’ lives were significantly improved.

The registered rural population still makes up most of China’s population, and agriculture and rural areas are still the top priority for government work, the Premier said.

He said the survey results should be legally published and effectively utilized, making them the scientific basis for the government to work out policies, promote economic and social development and improve people’s lives.
