China, Russia reaffirm good ties, seek more cooperation

Updated: Nov 1,2017 10:18 PM     english.gov.cn

At the news conference following the 22nd China-Russia Prime Ministers’ Regular Meeting on Nov 1, Premier Li Keqiang briefed the achievements of the meeting, adding that China is willing to push forward bilateral ties and cooperation in various fields based on the principle of mutual respect, equality, and common development.

The Premier said China and Russia should encourage large enterprises from both sides to deepen cooperation in energy, aviation, cross-border infrastructure and other strategic projects, and also support small companies to open new grounds for cooperation and innovation.

The Far East of Russia and China’s central and western regions both hold huge development potential, and both sides should strengthen cooperation in energy and investment in those regions for win-win results, the Premier said.

Medvedev said the regular prime ministers’ meeting and related cooperation mechanisms have made significant achievements, and he hoped both sides can carry on cooperating on large projects, explore new areas, and expand bilateral trade.

He also said Russia is willing to enhance cultural and education exchanges with China, and deepen financial cooperation to promote healthy growth of the global economy.

Vice-Premiers Zhang Gaoli, Wang Yang, Liu Yandong, Russian First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov, and Deputy Prime Ministers Olga Golodets, Arkady Dvorkovich, Dmitry Rogozin and Yuri Trutnev also attended the conference.
