Premier visits poor family, makerspace in Shanxi

Updated: Sep 4,2017 11:41 PM     english.gov.cn

Premier Li Keqiang visited a poor family and a makerspace on Sept 4 in Changzhi, North China’s Shanxi province.

Bumping along rough roads in the Taihang mountain area, the Premier visited a family in the local village and asked them about their living conditions, their healthcare insurance and minimum living allowance.

He told local officials that poverty alleviation measures should be more practical and detailed as the campaign goes on. Government aid should be provided to the right family and right person, he said.

He also said that the government should prevent villagers from being forced into poverty by disease, while visiting a clinic in that village.

Village doctors should be the first defense for local residents’ health, he said. In addition, they can enjoy high-quality health services through medical partnerships, which has become more convenient.

Premier Li also visited a makerspace called Weimeinuo in Changzhi, which is devoted to providing services such as financing, production and sales to micro and small-sized enterprises.

So far, it has already attracted 47 companies. The Premier commented that a great mass of small companies can achieve greatness.

“You have formed a special production chain by gathering these micro and small-sized enterprises, where innovation can be carried out, meanwhile creating substantial market and social value,” the Premier added.
