Measures taken to promote ‘Internet Plus government service’

Updated: Aug 18,2017 2:13 PM     english.gov.cn

This year, the State Council issued various policies to facilitate the construction of “Internet Plus government service”. It is expected almost all the public services can be processed online, providing convenience to the people.

Norms to be followed by government websites

All local governments and departments should build their own websites and information platforms, and constantly optimize administrative services.

— Premier Li Keqiang

Integrate government affairs information

In May, the State Council released a plan to integrate and share government information, demanding unified project planning, standards, record filing, audit supervision, and evaluation system on government affairs information.

The circular stipulated that by the end of December of 2017, departments of the State Council should complete the integration of their internal information systems.

Standardize government websites

In June, the State Council issued a guideline on the development of government websites, which states that government websites should play a good role in information release, explanation, and communication with netizens.

In addition, websites of local government and departments should repost policies published on gov.cn and their apps in a timely manner.

Details:>> State Council issues rules for government websites

Details:>> Plan to promote govt information integration

Construction plan of government website

Improve technology system

In January, the State Council issued a guideline on the technology system of “Internet Plus government service” to prioritize data sharing and standardization of government service.

The guideline stipulated that by the end of 2017, governments at provincial, municipal and district levels, and departments of the State Council should build up their online public service platforms.

Bulletin board of online government

Open government information to the public

In March, the State Council released a document on transparent decision-making, administration, service and results. Information on major construction projects, public resource allocation, public-private partnerships (PPP), State-owned companies, and environmental protections should also be made public, the document said.

Meanwhile, it encouraged departments of the State Council to release their information through the State Council app.

Establish pilots at the grassroots level

In May, the State Council released a plan to start a pilot program on standard and regulated open government at grassroots levels.

According to the plan, governments in a hundred counties in 15 provincial-level regions including Beijing, Anhui, and Shaanxi are set to sort out their opening items, and standardize workflow and publishing methods.

By the end of 2018, a standard that is applicable to other grassroots regions should be formed.

Details:>> China to standardize openness in government affairs

Details:>> State Council to promote open governance in 2017

Magnifying lens of online government

Spot check

In February, the State Council published the results of its fourth inspection over government websites nationwide and the overall situation of government websites in 2016.

According to the inspection, the qualification rate increased from 81.5 percent in the first quarter to 91 percent of the fourth quarter. Government websites with unguaranteed contents or safety hazards were shut down.

The State Council also asked government websites to respond to netizens’ messages and correct problems.

General investigation

Also in February, the State Council conducted a general investigation over the government service system above the county-level.

The investigation focused on organization, service items, efficiency and supervision, covering various service platforms such as service halls, online public service platforms, and public service hotlines.

Details:>> State Council to inspect government services nationwide
