Premier urges administration streamlining to boost market vitality

Updated: Aug 6,2017 1:41 PM     english.gov.cn

As an important part of the supply-side structural reform, streamlining administrative functions has been a priority of the State Council executive meeting presided by Premier Li Keqiang for the last five years.

According to the Premier, administrative reform and transformation of government functions are key to improving the socialist market economy and governing capacity.

Over the past four years, State Council departments cut or delegated more than 40 percent of approval items and slashed 2 trillion yuan in costs for enterprises between 2013 and 2016.

In addition to increased public satisfaction with the administrative changes, the government’s determination to cut red tape is reflected in Premier Li’s statements in the past several years.

The government should speed up transformation and strike a good balance between administration and the market, allowing the market to play a decisive role in the distribution of resources.

-- Teleconference on administrative reform in Beijing, June 13, 2017

As a part of the supply-side reform, administrative reform and tax reduction can lower institutional costs for enterprises and release energy from the supply side.

-- Seminar on new development concepts and economic momentum in Beijing, April 18, 2017

Governments at all levels should speed up administrative streamlining and transformation of functions to ease restrictions on enterprises and build a fair and competitive business environment.

All the approval items should be simplified and processed with a clear schedule, unleashing more market vitality with less red tape.

-- Government Work Report presented by Premier Li Keqiang in Beijing, March 5, 2015

People have the right to give advice on administrative reform as they are the ones who truly experience the hardship of administrative approvals. We should pursue reform with an open and people-oriented attitude.

-- Teleconference on administrative reform in Beijing, May 12, 2015

We will carry out the Internet Plus government services model, promote better information sharing among government departments, making things easier for the public and businesses. We should cut red tape and root out illegalities to ensure that the people have more equal opportunities and greater space for creativity.

-- Government Work Report presented by Premier Li Keqiang in Beijing, March 5, 2016

We should press ahead with the streamlining of administrative procedures to crack every problem on the way. This is a way to bring convenience to the public by cutting interests of government departments and curbing excessive powers.

-- Meeting with the press after annual meeting of National People’s Congress in Beijing, March 16, 2016

Administrative streamlining is a reform to cut red tape and departments’ interests. To make the country and its people better, the government should try to release market vigor and social creativity with less restrictions and better supervision.

-- Teleconference on administrative reform and service optimization in Beijing, May 9, 2016

The government should give a green light to all law-abiding market entities and hardworking entrepreneurs and innovators, and hold a firm stand against all violations.

-- Meeting with the press after annual meeting of National People’s Congress, March 15, 2017

I have learned that private capital is inclined to make investment in social sectors including healthcare, but there are too many pre-approvals. The government should give more freedom for private investment in healthcare sectors.

-- State Council executive meeting, May 3, 2017

There are five major tasks for the reform this year: easing market access for enterprises to promote employment, reducing burdens on market entities by cutting taxes and fees, encouraging investment, creating a fair business environment and making public services more efficient.

-- Teleconference on administrative reform in Beijing, June 13, 2017

To facilitate people’s lives, all the regions and government departments should abolish redundant certificates, including those with no legal basis or those that can be proved via the internet, personal certificates or written commitments.

-- Teleconference on administrative reform in Beijing, June 13, 2017
