Premier urges enhanced supervision for regulating administrative charges

Updated: Jul 31,2017 8:07 AM     english.gov.cn

After the release of administrative fees lists, a complaint mechanism should be established as soon as possible, Premier Li Keqiang said at the State Council executive meeting on July 28.

“We cannot leave it there after publishing the list, and we should let the people and enterprises know how complaints can be filed,” said the Premier.

He said since the Ministry of Finance has released the “positive list” of administrative fees, the government should accept the supervision of the public, and no charges will be allowed out of the list.

The meeting on July 28 heard a report on the implementation of administrative fees and government funds lists. As required by the State Council, the list has been released by the Finance Ministry at the end of June.

According to the list, administrative fees at the central government level have been reduced from 185 items to 51. Government funds were cut from 30 items to 21.

At a teleconference on streamlining administration, combining power delegation with enhanced supervision and optimizing services about one month ago, it was decided that the information integration and sharing within the State Council departments should be achieved by the end of this year.

The items concerning public benefits should be made public, letting people know what the government should do and should not do, said the Premier, adding that is part of building a transparent government and pushing forward the openness of government affairs.

He also urged to make full use of “Internet Plus government services” to release more lists on the internet, while improving the complaint mechanism in favor of the people and enterprises.
